
Incredibles 2: a much anticipated blog post

Written by Daniel – It’s the most anticipated blog post of the year. My thoughts on one of the most anticipated sequel, it is 2018’s Disney-Pixar Incredibles 2. Written and directed by Brad Bird the events of Incredibles 2 follow directly on from The Incredibles (Bird, 2004), opening where we left off: with Underminer and our incredible family donning their masks ready for action. I’ll try and give a spoiler free review to open, then I’ll give you a heads up when it’ll be spoilers galore and rambling-analysis as per my usual approach. Here goes.


The film is a lot of fun, I don’t think I’ve had such a pleasant and enjoyable viewing experience watching a film (perhaps since seeing Paddington 2?). The film opens with the Parr family donning their masks to save the city from the claws of the Underminer, who is causing mass destruction to the city, continuing on exactly from where we left off in the first film from back in 2004. Our Incredible family battle it out, but Underminer escapes. As a result the Parr family is arrested (as superheros, continuing form the last film, are still illegal), until, business man Winston Deavor comes to their help. Winston wants to see Superhero’s return, and with the assistance of his sister Evelyn, they enrol Helen Parr to return as Elastigirl and begin their campaign for the legalisation of superheros. Whilst Helen is off saving the city as Elastigirl, Bob is at home with the kids, trying his hardest to connect with his kids, and keep Jac-Jac’s new found powers under control.

As Elastigirl patrols the city, restoring the citizens faith in superhero’s once again, she uncovers a super villain who goes under the name Screenslaver, who has the ability to hijack technology and hypnotise its users. Screenslaver hatches a plan to kidnap and hypnotise the growing community of superheros and see that superheros stay illegal forever!
